Mom and I stuck close to abode the showtime function of the week, knitting and talking. Various family members come up and go during the 24-hour interval and I would walk across the route to visit with my sister and blood brother in law. I cooked salmon for all of us on Monday evening.

The entire family lives within a mile radius of each other–my Mom, my ii siblings and their children. Nosotros can almost yell at each other from the respective houses! Visiting is easy–no long distances to travel.

Thursday morning time my brother Ross deposited me at the airport in Little Stone and my long day of travel began. I always am nigh concerned about divergence and arrival times for flights I book, seldom paying attending to the layover times. That'south going to change! I had a 3.v 60 minutes layover in Denver and Southwest was running tardily giving me a 4.v hr layover–UGH!!! The Denver airport was an accented zoo–super crowded, noisy, chaotic!

The Cowboy and Emmi were so glad to run into me as I was them! Friday I had a bad example of jet lag managing to unpack the suitcases and do some laundry but that was about it.

The Cowboy has been on a mission to eliminate the critters who keep digging under our copse. The trees are watered, the ground is soft and the critters dig. So far it's critters 0 and the Cowboy iv!!

Dan and Louanne have been having a rough go of it lately and needed the Cowboy's expertise–plumber and mechanic skills. As a thank you they presented him with the absolute best give thanks you lot present–

Sunday afternoon nosotros needed a few groceries and fabricated a run to Wilcox taking advantage of that gift menu and the local Dairy Queen. That's a not bad thanks present!

On Fri afternoon in Arkansas they had snow–about three inches. My niece Niki took this beautiful photo with her iPhone–it'due south a winner!

Sunset in Arkansas

It's a sunny but super windy day in Arizona. I would judge judging from the long range forecast that winter is over–lot's of sunny, warm, dry out days ahead.

Life is good.

Up front I want to apologize if in the last post I acquired some of you lot to think I had covid with my statement about covid fatigue.  We don't accept covid merely we are weary of all the ongoing covid issues.

Concluding Lord's day the Cowboy's cousin Pat and his daughter Julia arrived for a short visit. We so enjoyed talking to both Pat and Julia. Julia has a PhD in archeology and leads archelogy digs in Mongolia. Julia as well speaks Mongolian. Her stories nearly that country and its people are so interesting. Nosotros enjoyed some 12 Springs beef (thanks Lonn) for dinner and I had baked a Million Dollar Pound Cake.

Monday was spent packing and cooking. Our good friend had surgery two weeks agone and is finally on the mend. We took dinner to them Mon dark and shared the calories of that 1000000 Dollar Pound Cake plus I gifted Linda and Janice some cake calories!😁

Tuesday morning I was off and running–heading for the Tucson drome. My flight from Tucson to Fiddling Rock was merely ane stop–Denver–then the same aeroplane continued on to Little Rock. I was on that aeroplane from xi:30am until 5:30pm. In Denver the aeroplane was unloaded and re-loaded within xxx minutes. And in that six hours I was offered two bags of party mix as food. Sure am glad I packed apples and cheese plus some of that pound cake!

My brother Ross retrieved me from the aerodrome and we were at Mom's house shortly–he drives fast but at least he can still drive–2021 was a rough twelvemonth for him!!

Thursday we drove to the Pino Bluff expanse to have dejeuner with Mom's group of ladies from her church building. We've spent hours talking and knitting, knitting and talking. Mom and I are trying to brand a hat and the pattern is challenging simply the yarn is stunning stuff! On Friday we stopped at my nephew's home to meet Clayton and Hannah's new family member–Magnolia Kayte–such a sweety!! We then journeyed to Fiddling Rock (45 minutes) for some retail therapy beginning visiting the new Costco store–Arkansas'due south showtime.

Mom found things she couldn't alive without at Dillards, nosotros had a quick dejeuner and came abode. Sister in police force Vicky provided dinner Fri night–pulled pork and all the fixings from a food truck in Sheridan–it was nifty! Niece Niki contributed a slaw and beans–equally usual we ate well!

On Friday my one and only niece (I accept iii neat nieces but Niki is the only niece) retrieved her Mom and me and we were off, heading for northward Arkansas and the Richland Creek Wilderness Expanse. We were taking a hike–I walk daily, sometimes a lot but it's been a long time since I've really "hiked!" Niki is on a quest to hike somewhere at least once every month and this was her first hike in March.

It's non quite jump in Arkansas and it was a gloomy, misty day so photos aren't what they could have been but it was such a practiced day spent in the company of two people I love and so much. The hike was easy, i mile to a spectacular waterfall with a quirky proper name–Fuzzy Butt!!

Fuzzy Butt Falls
Fuzzy Butt Falls
Vi Fingers Falls Sunday tiffin at Danny and Ann's was another eat fest–brisket, smashed potatoes, Cesar salad, green beans and leftover desserts. Ann and I took a walk mid afternoon–it'southward very warm, boiling and the forecast is for storms this night–yikes!
Little brother working difficult edifice argue. He tried to talk me into operating the skidsteer but I declined.
Bluish making sure Ross is still at that place–that canis familiaris never leaves Ross's side.
Mom'due south tulip tree is blooming as are the daffodils.

My hat, Mom is nigh finished with her lid likewise!

The Cowboy and Emmi are enduring wind and cooler temps in Arizona. They participated in a garage sale yesterday at Dan and Louanne'south–the Cowboy was happy with his sales. And Louanne has been feeding him well.

Life is expert!

On Monday we continued to entertain. And merely let me put this statement out there–I have such severe covid fatigue as in I desire covid to become abroad! Lonn likes to have presents habitation to the family unit and finds the gift shops in national parks accept the coolest stuff–and I hold. I honey to store in our national park souvenir shops–for cards, petty trinkets to transport friends and family, etc.

The Saguaro National Park on the west side of Tucson was a zoo. The parking lot was full and there was a xx to xxx minute expect only to become within the souvenir shop/visitor eye as they are limiting the number of people who enter due to covid–thus my covid fatigue!

I chosen the Desert Museum which if you lot are e'er in the Tucson expanse is a place worth visiting. My guys did not want to walk–the Desert Museum entails lots of walking–but I knew the gift shop was inside the gates and the tickets to enter are too expensive to just pay only to become to the gift store. A very pleasant client service person answered the phone, told me they would take our credit card info and allow united states of america a free thirty infinitesimal laissez passer that could be renewed for an boosted 30 minutes of gift shop browsing. Because how much Lonn spent in the gift store it is a smart decision on the part of the Desert Museum.

We drove through the Saguaro National Park, admiring the views and all the majestic, stately saguaros–Lonn was impressed! Lunch on the patio of BJ's Restaurant as Emmi was with the states–groovy nutrient and keen service.

We alive in a valley that is nutty–every bit there are massive acres of land dedicated to growing pecans and pistachios.  Our practiced friend Linda gave u.s. tequila flavored pistachios for Christmas and Lonn had sampled them. On the way home from Tucson nosotros stopped at the local pistachio subcontract gift store and spent some coin.

The weather in Montana the first of this calendar week was frightful–minus 29 degrees and a foot of new snow. In spite of this forecast Lonn decided information technology was time to head north and he was driving away Tuesday forenoon. Information technology was such a practiced visit and it was and so prissy to have the guest house.

Larry and Geri visited u.s.a. a couple weeks ago driving downwardly in their new to them motorhome. We had the best visit–non doing much except visiting, catching upwardly and eating. We did drive down to Douglas and attempted to become the title to our new to us truck notarized without success. And we visited Larry's niece Megan and her husband Scott on the horse property they purchased last year–very near us.  Our electrical panel is just inside the back door situated over the shoe irresolute bench made by the Cowboy. Geri suggested nosotros hang a mirror over the electric box to hide it–that was one of our United mexican states purchases–and information technology looks great!

Our neighbour who lost her hubby to covid asked me to make an apron from ane of his shirts. She had an apron she had purchased made from a shirt that I could employ as a pattern. I finished and delivered it Thursday–Sue was totally thrilled!

The balance of the week we've been puttering. The Cowboy ordered parts for his concatenation saw, has information technology running and spent some time cutting a huge log into firewood. So he practiced some cardio exercise by splitting those logs.

I am heading to Arkansas to visit family soon and have been getting things in order then the Cowboy and Emmi can function smoothly without me.

We've had a couple dank mornings–non Montana chilly–just cold enough that a fire in the stove felt dandy! And it sprinkled rain at our house and snowed on the mountains. It'south been such a dry wintertime nosotros are wondering if the poppies volition bloom.

My Nikon camera had an within the lens dust spot causing some but non all photos to have a bright spot. I knew Al had taken apart his cameras and cleaned the lens only his cameras are DSLR's. My Nikon is a CoolPix P600 point and shoot with a 60X optical zoom.  I watched a video for another Nikon similar to mine and thought maybe we could become to the lens. The Cowboy as always was game to try.

And we were successful! No more bright spot on the photos!! Thanks Al!!

Cloudy skies make for beautiful sunsets.

Unremarkably I start a web log postal service early in the week simply when nosotros are decorated I sit on Lord's day and remember–"what have we done this week???" This is one of those Sundays but here goes!

Our company–Lonn, the Cowboy's son arrived Thursday afternoon. He hasn't visited since 2019 so it's been keen having him here. Lonn is going to tow our cargo trailer back to Montana filled with things we no longer need at this house such equally RV related items and construction tools. The Cowboy has spent time gathering all that stuff.

I've filled my time with do and some sewing. Our elderly neighbour, Joe died nigh a year ago from covid. His married woman Sue asked me to make an apron from one of Joe's shirts. It'due south been a fun process–deciding what parts of the shirt to use as the pocket or the ties, etc.

Last Sat nosotros took Emmi to the veterinarian in Dark-green Valley. The clinic has reverted to non allowing pet owners inside the building so we were in the parking lot waiting for a technician. Some other auto parked beside u.s.a. and a woman with her beautiful chocolate cocker spaniel got out. Nosotros chatted with a the woman while both our dogs were taken inside. She had lived in Green Valley a long time and we asked her about restaurants. She is a huge chili relleno fan equally is the Cowboy–that's the only thing he ever orders in a Mexican eating house. She named a couple restaurants in Light-green Valley but said the best, absolute best chili relleno she had ever eaten in her life was from a restaurant in Sonita–the Copper Brothel Brewery.

We chatted some more than, her pooch was brought out and as she was loading her cocker into her crate the lady asked me, "would you like some Meyer lemons, my tree is producing well?"  Well, of form!! Oh, my–those lemons are a globe away from the difficult, bitter lemons we've been getting from the grocery stores. I made a lemon block that was divine and I may make a lemon meringue pie. Information technology pays to exist friendly!!

We have not talked to the veterinarian but take received a voicemail and an email. Emmi's liver enzymes are down merely non completely normal as of yet.

Wednesday we were in Tucson all solar day again for some other doctor'southward appointment. Information technology was a cool, windy, rainy twenty-four hour period so Emmi went along. Nosotros enjoyed a dainty lunch at BJ'southward Brewhouse and fabricated a quick Costco finish.

Th when Lonn arrived I grilled some burgers and later in the afternoon we headed to Whitewater Describe to see the sandhill cranes. The water level at the usual viewing area is significantly low and at that place weren't many cranes. This area received practiced monsoon rains this summer but nosotros have had less than one inch of pelting all winter so far.

Every bit we were driving away heading south, Lonn spotted a agglomeration of cranes out in the field. In that location was an open gate and a traveled path out to the birds. It appeared to us that the Arizona Fish and Game is pumping h2o using solar to create a wetland for the cranes–

And the cranes patently idea it was a skillful idea–there were hundreds and hundreds of birds in and around the water, squawking away.

Fri we drove to Nogales, Sonora, United mexican states–about ii hours from our house. Nosotros parked and walked beyond the border. It'south been years and years since nosotros've been in Nogales and is was sad to come across how things accept inverse. Many, many of the businesses/shops/restaurants are closed. The sidewalks used to teem with people–not on Friday–there were very few people on the streets. What businesses are open up projected a drastic need to make a sale. At that place were ever poor, unfortunate beggars on the streets of Nogales but on this mean solar day the beggars were different. Most were immature adults and they too projected a lamentable, desperate feeling. Nogales was non a pleasant experience and I uncertainty we go back. Information technology'due south unfortunate that Mexico has allowed the drug trade to repress its people, very sad.

They let u.s. come back to the US!!

Now, back to the chili relleno story. Sonita, Arizona is on the way habitation from Nogales and nosotros stopped at the Copper Brothel Brewery for a late dejeuner. The Cowboy agreed with the lady from the vet clinic–best chili relleno he had always eaten. Lonn had a chimichanga and also declared it the all-time he had ever eaten. I wasn't adventuresome and had chicken strips with chips–only my meal was also very, very proficient. Definitely a eating house worth revisiting!

Saturday the guys collection that same direction but this time hauling Lonn's dirt bike and our next ATV. They rode from the boondocks of Patagonia out into the countryside down to the Mexican border and had a nifty fourth dimension.

Emmi and I went to Sierra Vista and then I could get my hair cut and choice upward a pocket-sized grocery order. I was besides picking upward a side table I found on Craigslist. Back domicile I had to apace get ready for a birthday party. Our friend Linda's birthday party was being hosted by Mo and Donnie with help from the e'er helpful Janice. It was a great gathering of friends with amazing food contributed by all the attendees.

Our birthday girl!

The guys were home past 6pm and dined on leftovers sent home from the birthday party. We've spent the evenings chatting and listening to the grandbabies when they call to Facetime with Grandpa Lonn. They called him Saturday morning and sang happy birthday–such beautiful, adorable kiddos!

Sunday afterwards a big breakfast the guys were off to discover another adventure–this time riding from the house upwardly into the Dragoons. I tried to convince Emmi to become for a walk with me while the guys were getting ready. Nope, I'm not going anywhere except into this CanAm she said–so they took her forth.

Monday we are off on another hazard with Lonn–life is good!

On the fifteenth of Feb in 2017 the Cowboy and I closed on this holding where nosotros now reside for a portion of each year. We had purchased the property sight unseen through our realtor Pam, who nosotros trusted. She viewed the property, took detailed photos and told the states "y'all people are nuts" merely in the adjacent breath said, "with the talents you two have, this identify has huge potential." And she was right–information technology did have potential and all information technology took was a bit of money and tons of difficult, physical, back breaking work over the five years living part time in Arizona.

It was 2 houses separated by a iv foot space but both houses were under the same roof–or what was left of the roof and situated on three acres of land. According to neighbors, the houses had been abandoned for approximately 10 years. The house was advertised as having ability (very important in this area every bit it costs $25/pes to run power to your lot), a well which we discovered was dry, and septic system.

We had a new well drilled, spread truck loads of gravel to comprise the dust and got to work.

The original house was built in 1972 and we are not sure when the smaller of the two houses was added. This smaller house was in better condition and had less roof water damage than the master house. It had a finished (mostly) kitchen with fridge, dishwasher and gas range as well every bit a complete bathroom. We decided to live in the motorhome and end what we started to call "the guest house." We would then alive in the guest house while finishing the primary house.

This was our first glimpse of the houses when we arrived. Invitee house to the right, main business firm with brick to the left. And our "glimpses" got worse!!

Equally you lot can see, both houses had traditional peaked roofs. I've always wanted a southwest, Santa Fe style house–so my Cowboy with a lot of hard work created i for me. Fixing the roofs was a priority that first leap of 2017.


We now have a firm that looks like this–

These 2 photos are of the guest business firm kitchen in its original land. Nosotros removed that weird centre cabinet/eating expanse.

Guest House kitchen finished
Another photo of the guest house kitchen finished

The living room area had a dropped floor of nearly 8 inches and some weird doors and walls–the Cowboy raised the floor, removed walls and laid tile.

Invitee house living room finished

And now for the main house–it was in distressing condition, no kitchen, no plumbing, horrible roof leaks, nasty rug. It's withal hard for us to believe we created this beautiful home. We built walls to move walls, moved fashion too many walls, hoisted a 300 pound beam into the ceiling of the living room, laid and grouted nearly 3000 square feet of tile, custom built kitchen cabinets, planted copse and added a watering system, picked up and tending of tons of junk the previous owners left, added a garage, painted endless walls and ceilings, installed some new windows, hung insulation (ugh), installed heating and air conditioning, made countless trips to Sierra Vista and Tucson for supplies, and shopped Craigslist for furnishing. Nosotros hired someone to stucco the outside of the firm, to cascade the outside physical porch floors and to examination the mini separate heating and ac units–the rest of the incredibly difficult piece of work was washed past the Cowboy and me. All that hard work but adds to our immense satisfaction with the finished dwelling.

This room was a sleeping room and is at present our dining room.
And the dining room now.

The main house living room before, as you can run into, nosotros vaulted the ceiling.
Main business firm living room now.
Original bathroom in the main house–downright scary! And we've been told the previous owners were a couple with five children!! Three bedrooms and one bathroom in the main house for seven people!

And the chief bath now–I wanted no glass doors or shower curtains to keep clean–the Cowboy delivered.

And this was what was left of the kitchen in the primary house–

In that location was no working plumbing in the chief house, the Cowboy had to jack hammer the concrete to move the bath and kitchen plumbing to the right places as we had moved walls. I had a mag article describing a kitchen I loved–big windows, all drawers in the lower cabinets, no upper cabinets. We basically stuck with the design from the commodity with the exception of installing upper cabinets on the side of the kitchen without windows. I call up the kitchen is my favorite room in the whole business firm, peradventure–I love the porch besides and the dining room, and the living room!!

These cabinets on the porch were obtained with another solar day of hard, back breaking work. The Cowboy saw the cabinets advertised on Craigslist for costless–if someone would remove them from their location. Information technology literally took us all solar day long to become those cabinets out of that house. We brought them home and the Cowboy remodeled the cabinets to make them fit our space–they add and so much to the porch room.

So–that'southward a lot of words and a lot of photos. And while nosotros beloved our house and are and so pleased with how it now looks information technology'southward not something either of u.s. wants to always exercise again.

My husband ranks right upward there with my begetter and brother as ane of the most hard working men I've ever known. I've been without a washing motorcar for about a week. Unremarkably a load of laundry is done every couple days in our house. The laundry basket is full. But I wasn't lament or saying a give-and-take–we were waiting for plumbing parts.

Monday nosotros had to be in Tucson all 24-hour interval–doctor'due south appointment and a Craigslist ownership expedition for art work. Our walls need something and we were successful.

Tuesday the hard working Cowboy went to piece of work and he worked all day long, not even taking his usual afterward lunch intermission to examine the backs of his eyelids. By 6pm a load of laundry was in the washer. He re-plumbed the hot h2o tank, created a carpet covered platform for the forepart load washer and dryer, installed that heavy washer/dryer and made a hundred trips from laundry room out to the garage. By evening he was exhausted!

And he's continued to work in that laundry room every day this week! He installed a shelf in that room and in a bedroom cupboard. Thursday and Fri he really went back to piece of work–the laundry room sink and shelving were delivered. The sink required lots of plumbing parts the Cowboy didn't accept in his stash which required a trip to the hardware shop. The local hardware store had what nosotros needed.

And past midafternoon Friday, we had a laundry room sink. I've always bathed Emmi by putting her in the guest room bathtub and kneeling beside the tub. Hard on my bad genu, bad hip and makes my dorsum injure. Now I can stand and bathe the little munchkin in the sink–I am so excited!–doesn't have much to excite me these days!

Installing the metal shelving was a different matter.

The shelving is being returned, the Cowboy managed to cobble together the box to re-pack information technology. The Amazon seller has a non working client service number. Amazon refused to mail service the negative review I wrote about the not working phone number and the damaged shelving saying it didn't fit their review criteria. Nosotros've ordered more shelving and needless to say, I'chiliad not finished with Amazon in this matter.

Dang information technology's been cold in southeastern Arizona! Nosotros've had 2 mornings of 15 degrees lately!! And loftier temps have been below 50 degrees with a chilly wind. By mid week we will be back upwards in the mid 60's, still freezing at nighttime just warming up in the twenty-four hour period fourth dimension!

Friday evening the gang dined with u.s.–Dan and Louanne, Linda and Janice. We had spaghetti and homemade bread–condolement nutrient I say. Brownies and homemade ice cream for dessert.

Saturday afternoon we gathered at Linda's with other friends to celebrate Janice's birthday. Anybody contributed an appetizer and the afternoon was spent eating and enjoying the company. We had such a adept time!

Dominicus the Cowboy completed another work bench for the garage and retrieved Dan and Louanne's "bikes"–a modest Honda motorcycle and a scooter Dan likes to ride effectually town. Both were having problems so the mechanic Cowboy went to the rescue. Louanne's was a quick fix, not certain about Dan's yet. I puttered–exercised, done apparel, visited with our neighbor Sue who dropped off a sewing projection she wants me to exercise, and even napped a fleck.

Life is practiced.

Snow on the Dragoons

The ladies took a mean solar day off. Louanne and I were headed to Tucson early Monday morning. Driving to our first stop nosotros were sure nosotros were going to be in Phoenix soon! The Saddlebrook customs is in far, far northeast Tucson and we were looking at some chairs I institute on Craigslist–yep, more chairs. Louanne needs a recliner in a small-scale room and didn't want a huge, cushy recliner. Me to the rescue. Sunday morning I plant these recliners and here begins the funny story!

I sent the link to Louanne, she loved them and I was willing to take one of them. Next I called the owner–nope, she had someone coming to see the chairs at 11am and those potential buyers were certain they would have the chairs. Dang it! But the owner would call if the people did not take the chairs.

Sunday morning while browsing Craigslist I spotted ii more chairs that were but stunning and said to the Cowboy, "I would love to have these chairs merely we are kind of over stocked with chairs right now." He agreed.

The possessor of the 2 recliners chosen and said, "the people took the chairs." And began to tell me she sold them fashion too cheaply, she made a fault when creating the listing pricing the chairs as both instead of a cost for each." She told me the price and I said, "but await a minute, I saw your advertisement for a much higher price of $….." The owner said, "oh, that toll is for the two recliners."

She had two sets of chairs listed on Craigslist, the buyers purchased the chairs I would have loved to have but we are chair over stocked. The recliners were withal for sale. Good grief! We all had a good laugh, Louanne and I drove to Saddlebrook on Monday and purchased the 2 recliners.

What's non to dear about dining exterior on a patio in late January. We had a delicious meal at Eclectic Buffet. Nosotros made a Costco stop and spent a bit of time simply non much coin in Home Goods. One last stop at Sprouts for more of the amazing Toby'southward salad dressings and nosotros were headed for Sunsites.

Dan and Louanne had a tiny potted Christmas tree this year and as they did last year brought it out to us for planting. We've kept it in the garage, bringing it in and out into the sun each day. Tuesday information technology went into the footing in the spot where there had been an apple tree tree that bit the grit this summer. Our luck with apple trees is not good!

And–the near exciting news–we no longer take an ugly yellowish laundry room. Thursday we moved the stacked washer/dryer out and Friday I painted the room. The tile is laid, new to us washer/dryer purchased, laundry sink and shelves ordered–we are going to have a nice laundry room.

The only photo I could discover showing the ugly yellow of the laundry room.

Sabbatum morning early on the stacked washer/dryer went to a new home and Sunday morn a chair and ottoman I had in our Congress, AZ house went to a new dwelling.

In the midst of painting I nigh had a catastrophe!! Thank goodness for Kimberly-Clark dorsum table covers–they are water proof and plainly paint proof.

The USFS doing ane of its prescribed burns on the back side of the Dragoons.

And today–almost v years to the twenty-four hour period the last tile was laid and the last batch of grouting was finished. Done! Information technology's such a good feeling!

Watching Television receiver the other dark I got off runway with sleeve knitting and had to rip out several rows–ugh! Lord's day afternoon we went over to Louanne and Dan'due south to help them with a couple projects–they take new smart TVs and Dan wanted to know how to cast YouTube from laptop to TV–done. And Louanne needed help with an email problem–washed. And the Cowboy was conned into painting an arrow on both sides of a for sale sign Louanne was going to use on a couple lots they have for sale.

Last Sun evening we dined at Dan and Louanne's. Dan roasted a pre-seasoned tri tip he had purchased at Costco–it was simply amazing!! All the food was so skillful! As I've said before, we practice dine well in this community!

It's been a week of this and that then I thought I would share photos of some completed projects:

The demote the Cowboy built–placed by the dorsum door for shoe removal.

And the porch–actually information technology's an enclosed room with big windows and a windowed door only information technology'due south a great place to sit down in the afternoon with the sun turning everything warm and golden. The leather chairs and ottomans are the ones we purchased from the Tucson Craigslist. The other chair and the tables came from a local garage sale. The role chair is the Cowboy's favorite computer chair. The ceiling is painted blueish–a contractor friend in Montana paints the ceiling of porches blue to go on out the evil spirits. I Googled "painting a porch ceiling blue" and establish these reasons–

  1. The shade of blue used on many southern ceilings is often called "haint blue". This light blueish-green color is particularly popular in southern littoral cities like Charleston, SC or Savannah, GA considering of the historically haunted nature of these cities. The blue color was meant to ward off "haints" or evil spirits who might desire to harm the business firm or the family within.
  2. Many people fence that painting your porch ceiling blue actually keeps insects away. While not necessarily rooted in scientific discipline, there are a few possible explanations for that theory. Older blue paints were oftentimes made with lye, which is a known insect repellent, and to keep the paint looking new, a new coat had to be applied every few years, thus refreshing the insect repellent. Another theory is that the blueish color mimics the colour of the sky and tricks insects into not making their nest there.
  3. While blue paint on a porch ceiling tin can't literally extend the amount of daylight you become, it can provide that feeling. The light blueish colour reflects light, and then your space will seem brighter fifty-fifty during the twilight hours. Additionally, yous tin can apply less artificial light to brighten up the space at night. This practice was actually popular in the Victorian era, and you can nonetheless run into the bluish color used in many Victorian homes today. From

Tuesday we had a chip of rain making the outside world smell so clean and fresh.

The fog left backside from the rain made the hills wait equally if they were islands in the bounding main.

This hawk was facing the other way when I starting time saw him then the resident owls at our neighbor'southward hooted. His head swiveled in the direction of the "hoots" and I could but hear him thinking–maybe I should depart this post!

Emmi has had a couple spa days–she gets so agitated when I'm clipping her hair that I try to complete the new haircut in a couple days instead of making her represent and then long. She is all squeamish and spiffy now.

The laundry remodel continues–the new drywall is in the ceiling and the cement board has been laid on one side of the room.

Friday we made a trip to Sierra Vista to purchase a couple items we found on Craigslist–Leki hiking poles and a Pfaff Tiptronic sewing machine. I had a pair of Leki poles and accidently left one in a motorhome we sold. Plus having a set in both homes was my goal–success, at a bang-up price. I take a Pfaff Tiptronic in Montana and it's a workhorse sewing machine–even hems denim. The Pfaff sewing machine I have here we purchased on Craigslist in Montana several years ago. It's not 1 of Pfaff'southward meliorate machine and when the Cowboy saw the Tiptronic pop upward on Craigslist off we went. Groceries plus lunch and we were on our way back domicile.

It rained once more overnight with non much accumulation. Snow on the mountains. Dominicus afternoon I joined the ladies at Linda's to play Rummikub–a game that has plainly been around a long time. It's fun and nosotros have a good time.

It's been a good week–I recall!

Dominicus evening we had the all-time time! I outdid myself in the cooking section–even if I do say then! Smoked tri-tips, twice baked potatoes, Caesar salad with homemade dressing (that was divine!), and an apple sharlotka cake for dessert. It was the usual 6 of united states–our safe clan–Louanne and Dan, Linda and Janice. We ate, laughed, talked and repeated. We had so much fun!

Monday we took a drive–I drove this fourth dimension and nosotros bounced and bumped along some extremely rocky roads when my navigator decided nosotros needed to take the "breathtaking route." We were in the surface area of Fort Bowie–a NPS maintained site. We didn't stop at the Fort equally the Cowboy wasn't in the mood for walking the required 1.five miles into the site. Louanne and I volition have to exercise that 1. But the scenery was stunning! Nosotros collection out into the BLM Indian Staff of life Rocks site–huge rocks, lots of boondockers, windy and chilly.

Our plan had been to eat at the steakhouse/bar in Bowie where we've eaten in one case before. Nope, closed and for sale–some other covid causality! Next choice was the steakhouse in Willcox–nope, airtight on Monday. Nosotros finally landed at a favorite Mexican restaurant–fashion too chilly to sit outside. In that location were only two other diners present as it was 2pm in the afternoon.

Back dwelling I got a practiced kickoff on that pesky sweater sleeve and am now feeling comfortable with the process. For Christmas the Cowboy gifted me this ready of actually short stainless steel ChiaoGoo round knitting needles. When I started using the set I was concerned that my arthritic hands would not be able to hang onto those piddling short needles. I am having no problems with the needles and I love how easy it makes knitting narrow circumferences in the circular.

I'g thinking a new photographic camera may exist in my futurity–my Nikon has a spot on the lens which causes light spots to announced on subjects in certain lighting–you lot tin can see the calorie-free spot on the sleeve of the sweater.

The Cowboy is in the process of making a bench. In Montana we take a mudroom entry style and he built a cute demote for sitting down to remove your shoes. I wanted a smaller bench for the dorsum door entry way into this business firm–he is delivering!

Recollect in a blog post several weeks ago I said the laundry room was the terminal of the projects for this house remodel and that it could await, it wasn't a priority?? On Midweek the Cowboy started sabotage on one half the laundry room–he will mud the drywall and lay the tile flooring. When that'southward finished we will move the stackable washer/dryer which came with this house out and consummate the room. There is besides a hot water heater in that room that volition have to be moved. So–that didn't accept long!

Friday nosotros fabricated a run to Sierra Vista–Walmart pickup lodge and a quick dash into Home Depot. We went through the bulldoze through at Culvers and ate in the truck–covid is getting so onetime!!

Sat nosotros went to a garage sale where the Cowboy scored some steel fence posts (I don't like the audio of that!) and grinding wheels. Nosotros made a dump run and went downwards to the Mustang Mall–our only gas station/convenience store and information technology'southward 10 miles one way–to go gas and real tortillas (actually from Mexico).

Fog or funk from the two large dairies over in that valley??

Nosotros both are then enjoying being finished with this house/project/restoration. I of us seems to remark almost daily, "it feels and then good to be finished!" The Cowboy created a cabinet that goes over the master bathroom toilet that will hibernate the pump for the mini carve up heating/air conditioning unit plus provide a bit of storage. I need to paint that cabinet and some doors merely compared to what we were doing it seems like a vacation!

The Cowboy now has a working garage door opener from a box of parts! That was a heavy, insulated garage door we hauled to Arizona from Montana. The door was salvaged along with several others from a building existence demolished on the ranch where Lonn lives. The other salvaged doors are still in our barn in Montana. Nosotros congenital the garage the showtime spring we owned this place in 2017 and we've been lifting that heavy door by manus–now it has an opener! YEA!

I've finished the body of my sweater and now on to the much dreaded sleeves. So far I think I have "picked up and knitted" and so "ripped out" the stitches around the armhole to commencement the sleeve a full of FIVE times! I am "wearing out" the yarn!

Thursday we drove to Sierra Vista–a Abode Depot run for cabinet paint, a low-cal fixture for the guest house and miscellaneous items. Our Walmart grocery gild was without issues and we so enjoyed sitting in the sunday in our shirt sleeves having lunch at Culvers on an early January solar day.

We sat outside Thursday evening on our porch and watched the sunday become down–even so in our shirt sleeves–what a beautiful 24-hour interval!

In 2012 when we stayed in Cedar Cardinal, Florida for 2 months nosotros met Jerry and Wanda from Mississippi. Jerry wrote a blog, Eggs Rolling–he and Wanda do their traveling in a Casita. They accept visited us in Montana and we've stayed in touch through web log reading and Facebook. Jerry doesn't write the blog any longer and we had no idea they were in Arizona until last night I saw on Facebook they had been at the Cochise Stronghold. Well, the Stronghold is only up the road from us. I commented on their postal service and sent them an e-mail. Friday afternoon they stopped by to visit and run across our finished project. It was then practiced to visit with them once again and hear those southern voices!

Friday I dropped by our great little library to reserve a book I wanted to read. The county and our librarian are once over again restricting the number of people who tin exist in the library at 1 fourth dimension and anybody must habiliment a mask. Arizona'due south covid numbers have skyrocketed and we are once more thinking twice most going to restaurants and any other place where people are not masking.

Nosotros've had a couple grey, cool, breezy days and a fleck of rain is in the forecast. We volition see if the weather man is correct!

But cloudy days do make for beautiful sunsets–

Life is skilful!